IRIB Varzesh (Shabake Varzesh) Live Stream

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Free Shabake Varzesh live stream پخش زنده شبکه ورزش
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Channel Details

IRIB Varzesh, also known as Shabake Varzesh (شبکه ورزش), is Iran’s leading national sports television channel, launched in 2012 by the Islamic Republic of Iran Broadcasting (IRIB). This channel broadcasts some sports competitions held in Iran and the world, including football with a focus on Iran Premier League and Azadegan League, basketball featuring the Super League, as well as volleyball, wrestling, futsal, and other sports popular in Iran. Shabake Varzesh also provides in-depth sports analysis, interviews, and pre- and post-match discussions. Original content includes documentaries on sports legends, athlete profiles, and reality shows. Specializing in Olympic and World Cup coverage, it ensures dedicated features and live broadcasts of major events, making it a comprehensive sports hub for a wide audience.

Language: Farsi (Persian)
Country: Iran
Category: Sport
Tags: Free Internet TV, IRIB TV Network